6 Secrets for Improving Your Communication in Today’s Fast-Paced World
Faster and ShorterFaster, faster and shorter, shorter. These are the watchwords of today. Are you listening? Are you reacting? Are you participating?We all have ADDUnfortunately, no one is paying full attention anymore; we are trying to do more in less time – we are trying to multi-task 24/7. Who would ever have thought that a major communication tool would allow only 140 characters? OMG! Go ahead and Tweet that!6 Secrets to Better Communication in Today’s Fast-Paced WorldSo, we have a choice: cut to the chase communication or long, drawn out communication that comes with a huge risk that no one may be listening. Below, my 6 secrets for better communication.
- Write in Short Paragraphs - Perhaps you’ve noticed this technique from all of my blog postings. Shorter is better!
- Pick One Benefit, One Statement – I recently asked a CEO to explain, via email, his #1 POD (point of difference). Instead, he explained three key benefits and it took him six paragraphs to do it. And, that is in and of itself, a key lesson of branding: Pick one key POD, not twelve.
- Use Solid Headlines – Don’t use questions such as “What Can We Do for You?” Instead, put the benefit in the headline.
- Numbers Work Better Than Bullets – See the pattern? 6 Secrets; 7 Reasons, 9 Missteps…
- Use Teasers – Just like Oprah and Matt Lauer, you need to engage your listener to hear more. “Up Next? The Worst Foods for Your Child’s Health” or “Whitney reveals for the first time the #1 thing she never wanted her daughter to know.” Teasers work as headlines, press release subjects, speech titles, and 100 other great uses.
- Create a Compelling 7-second Hook – Say goodbye to the 30-second infomercial and hello to the 7-second attention grabber. Make the listener stay tuned to hear more.
If you need help in any of the areas listed above, especially the 7-second hook, please let me know. I am working with coaching clients today with a special $99 per month offer. You get 30-minutes of private, one-on-one telecoaching with me per month PLUS a 1-hour group coaching call that is always open for questions.Until next week…..LizBranding speaker and expert Liz Goodgold has over 25 years of experience working for clients such as Quaker Oats, Times Mirror, and Arco Oil as well as with small business owners and start-up. Her specialized, one-on-one branding and coaching programs spark new ideas that deliver sure-fire results. To find out how Liz can help you, contact her at liz@redfirebranding.com. Liz is also the author of RED FIRE BRANDING: Create a Hot Personal Brand and Have Customers for Life and DUH! Marketing.