When it comes to business, is passion enough?
Many people looking to follow their dreams and pursue entrepreneurial endeavors believe that passion is enough to build a successful business. Passion, when starting a new venture, is critical - it sparks enthusiasm, drives you to work harder than you ever thought possible, and fuels the hunger for success. Aspiring entrepreneurs must be passionate about their mission – so much so that they can’t sleep at night, literally. Whatever it is that drives you isn't just be something you want to do, but something that you can't not do.
I left a successful, six-figure job in corporate America after just three months to start my first business. So many people in my life thought I was crazy. Why would I go out on my own? Why would I take this leap of faith? Because I knew that this was something I had to do. When starting my company, fitlosophy, at 28 years old, I was inspired, determined, and absolutely terrified. And of course, I was passionate. My passion for living a healthy, active lifestyle and seeking to support and motivate others to do the same, led me to this extraordinary path. One thing I learned was, that while passion is an essential element in success, passion alone, is simply not enough. It was passion that got me started; but passion alone isn’t how I’ve sustained the business for 7 years, grew the brand to line shelves of mass retailers nationwide, and finally reached the quintessential $1M mark.
Pursue & Persevere
What separates an entrepreneur from everybody else is that they don’t just dream it – they actually go out there and make it happen. It takes boldness, fearlessness, and real bravery to wake up every day knowing that your future is in your hands; that the livelihood of your employees is your responsibility; that other people are looking to you for direction and vision. This often involves stepping outside of your comfort zone and countless sleepless nights thinking and re-thinking your next move. Passion ignites the fire of being an entrepreneur, but passion can fade if you do not have the tenacity to stay motivated when things get tough. And things will get tough. That's inevitable. However, the manner in which you handle these bumps along the road is how you define a true entrepreneur. You will be told no more times than yes. You will want to give up. However, no matter how many times you are rejected, persistence must prevail in order to have a successful, thriving business. These roadblocks and rejections will refine you, redefine you, and reform your approach for the ultimate good.
Find Your People
Beyond passion, you need to surround yourself with great people - mentors, colleagues, friends, and family that will help to support and encourage you along the way. We entrepreneurs aren’t always rational, that’s what makes us unique. Prepare to be misunderstood. Ask yourself, what pivotal changes in history have been made by following the status quo? Not many. Expand your circle of influence beyond friends and family to include like-minded, insanely driven, bright eyed go-getters who will drive you to be better, not question your sanity. As entrepreneurs we are our own harshest critics. Just another reason it's so imperative to surround yourself with people of equivalent standards for excellence and you’ll be that much more likely to reach your full potential. Am I passionate about what I do? Absolutely.But is passion enough to keep me going? Absolutely not.