Your Newsletter is an Important Part of Your Social Media Strategy
Your Newsletter Is An Important Part of Your Social Media StrategyDo you have a newsletter for your business? There are many services out there that make it easy for you to create and send one. Regardless of the service you use, an e-newsletter is an important part of your overall social media strategy. Why? Because content marketing is essentially about lead generation. Once people opt-in through your blog or Facebook Page, then you have permission to market to them. And the best way to market is a content-driven approach through the vehicle of your newsletter. Your newsletter is the tool that provides that all-important follow-up that leads to sales and reorders. So what makes a great e-newsletter? First of all, there still needs to be content. Remember, people opt-in for content. They don’t opt-in for ads. If you’re just going to be a commercial, don’t even bother. There’s a reason most e-newsletters have a 5-10% open rate. There needs to be a compelling reason for people to open your newsletter…there must be something in it for them. So be sure you’ve got GREAT content that is very relevant to the target market you’re trying to reach. Just like with your blog content, the content in your newsletter should be free and actionable steps that your target market can use right now without spending a dime. Once you’ve created some great content, then you can include a special offer or product/opportunity highlight that may be of interest to your target market. I like to refer to this as the “content sandwich.” Make sure you surround your advertising with great content that will draw people in. That will lead to more success than just flinging ads at people. And be sure you’re including visuals. People will more easily consume your content if you give them a visual break. So learn how to add pictures through whichever program you’re using, and use them often to highlight the content and offers you’re making. Which newsletter service should you use? Here are a few things to consider:
- Be sure your service complies with the CAN-SPAM act. This means that there will typically be a double opt-in (people must click a link in an email to confirm they’ve signed up for your list), and you must include a physical mailing address as well as an unsubscribe link in every email. (For more information on how to comply as a business, click here.)
- Make sure the service you select provides newsletter templates, as well as the ability to deliver your message in both HTML and text formats (not everyone accepts HTML email).
- Does the price go up the more contacts that you have?
- Is a true auto-responder built in, that allows you to schedule follow-up communications on a regular schedule, no matter when you add someone to the list?
- Can you customize the opt-in message that subscribers are sent?
- How are images handled? Does the service host images for you, or do you need to host them yourself?
Services such as AWeber, Get Response provide attractive templates that you can use to follow up regularly with your prospects and customers. You’ll pay a monthly fee for these services, but often just one sale as a result of this follow-up will pay for the month’s service. Finally, be very sure that you don’t use your e-newsletter to spam anyone. Remember, people MUST opt-in for your newsletter, or else it’s considered spam. So don’t sign up your friends, your mother, and your dog for your newsletter without being sure you have permission. A simple strategy is simply to ask every contact, “Would you like to receive a free copy of my newsletter, which has great articles about…?” If they say yes, then you have permission to send it. And keep it short. People won’t take the time to read 20 articles, and you don’t need to spend the time writing that much either! One or two articles MAX is enough. By making your e-newsletter a strategic part of your overall content marketing strategy, you will be able to provide the follow-up necessary to convert social networking contacts into customers and recruits for your business. The statistic is that people need to hear from you 7-15 times, on average, before they’ll make a purchase from you. Your newsletter can provide some of those all-important contacts. What do you think? Do you provide a newsletter for your prospects? What do you include? How does it work for you? Would love to read your comments below!